
Intrusion of the modern world

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Literature Text

Chapter 1 - All in the spirit of fun


The wind whipped and hissed wildly, pushing and swirling in rhythm with her master. The young boy of winter was filled with giddy excitement that seemed to fuel the frigid air around him and propel him faster across the sky.

Nestled tightly beneath his arm was a very small box, its hidden contents the source of all his hyperactive joy. In this box was one of the coolest things he had ever seen in his unnatural life, a gift from his best friend and first believer Jamie. He couldn't wait for the others to check out his new toy.

Using all his power Jack poured everything he had into getting to the North Pole as quick as physically possible. It didn't take long and before he knew it, the large magnificent fortress came sailing into view like a beacon in an endless ocean of white. Jack grinned widely and instead on putting on the brakes he accelerated, shooting towards the building like a bullet out of a gun. Not even the huge reinforced double door could slow him down.

Flying faster and faster he was only a foot away when the mighty door opened inwards. The yetis standing on the other side were sent tumbling backwards as he shot in through the small gap that had opened for him with expert precision. The poor guards didn't even get a chance to open the doors completely, not that they needed to worry about that now. Jack's wind had forced the heavy door completely open letting the full force of the artic wind in. hurriedly the yetis fought to closed them again, cursing the youthful winter child in their own langue.

However, Jack was oblivious to their talk. He was already half way across the huge factory, heading straight for the large library where he knew everyone would be relaxing.

Sure enough, a minute later he burst into the huge book covered room and was greeted by the smiling faces of North, Sandy and Tooth and the scowling face of Bunny.

"Guys you are not going to believe what Jamie just gave to me!" Jack shouted excitedly and held the box over his head like a trophy.

North, Tooth and Sandy all ohh'ed and awww'ed while Bunny rolled his bright green eyes and turned back to the book had been reading before he had entered the room. Not put off by the rabbits lack of interest Jack darted over to the plush sofa he was sitting one and happily leaped onto it. The sudden force of his weight nearly made Bunny drop his book; he only narrowly caught it by the very corner, nearly tearing a page out.

Bunny opened his mouth to complain but Jack quickly silenced him by turning his back and falling into his side. Bunny's soft downy fur instantly swallowed most of the boy's shoulders and head and his snowy white hair practically melted into the soft tones of his pelt.

Jack moved his shoulders around a little and slipped down in his seat making himself comfortable against his new pillow.

He loved leaning against the Easter guardian. His fur was so soft and warm and he knew how much it annoyed him but best of all was that Bunny had long since stopped pushing him away and instead just accepted the fact that Jack was going to lean on him whether he wanted him to or not.

Deciding to make the best of the situation and knowing that there was little chance of him being able to enjoy his book in peace Bunny gently set the slim volume down beside him and pulled at his arm that jack had trapped against him. It took a few seconds to free himself but once he had, he wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder and draped it across his chest. If Jack was going to use him as a pillow then he was going to use Jack as an armrest.

The situation suited Jack just fine and he eagerly continued to show off his new box.

"Inside this box is the single greatest device know to man!"

"If it's not a food blender then you've been lied to Jacky boy" Bunny muttered, looking at the small box with pretend interest. How could anything that came out of that small box possibly be anything worth getting excited about? Honestly, the flimsy piece of cardboard looked about as large as cookie, how could you get anything in that thing?

Jack elbowed him in the side and started to rip the box apart. Truly, this kid had no concept of patience otherwise, he would have realised that by simply pulling on the top piece of card he could get to whatever was so important. Instead, he just killed the box sending bits and pieces of it flying in all directions until he finally got to what he was after.

Holding the thing high for all to see Jack proudly showed off his new obsession.

"It's a cell phone!" He shouted excitedly as if he had just revealed the Holy Grail. His enthusiasm wasn't shared by the rest of his adopted family who all stared at the small black device like it was some of unknown piece of alien technology, which when you think about it, to these guys it sort of was.

To say the Guardians were a bit behind the times would have been putting it mildly. These guys were so far behind Jack swore he seen the yetis using smoke signals to send messages to each other, either that or one of the machines had caught fire again and they had been using those blankets to smother the flames. Either way the Guardians were living in the dark ages and it was up to Jack to save them from a life of ignorance.

"This," he held up the device and slowly turned it around "is a device that will change everything. From this machine I can talk to anyone, anytime, anyplace wherever I am on the globe."

North leaned forward, took the small black piece of plastic from him, and turned it around in his large hands "It is telephone? Bah, is too small to be phone! I have seen human telephones and they do not look like this"

Jack leaped up quickly and snatched the phone back before North had a chance to accidentally crush it or drop it. That would have been tragic if the very first phone he ever got was smashed to a million pieces before he even had a chance to use it.

"It's not just any phone north." He rolled his eyes at his elder's lack of knowledge. "This is a revolutionary device. I can go anywhere on earth and still be able to talk to someone even if they are in a different country. I could be flying over Paris and still talk to Jamie in Burgess. With this you're not constricted to one place."

"I don't get how you can talk to someone through that thing if they're on the other side of the world. What happened to talking with people face to face or writing a good old letter?" Jack rolled his eyes at Bunny who frowned and plucked the phone out of his hand.

Being a rabbit and a very natural kind of person Bunny was perhaps the most techno phobic person alive. Unlike North who at least knew a little about technology (the magical kind anyway) Bunny knew nothing about machines or electronics. Everything in his realm was organic and nothing ran on machines like North's place did. All his work was done either by his own two paws or through the power of natural itself.

Encountering things such as phones would be nearly impossible in his line of work. Even when he is on the surface hiding eggs for the children, he preferred to stay in the quieter parts of a town or city to avoid the noise and cars. and unlike North, Sandy or Tooth who all worked more closely with the kids his work was strictly outdoors so he never got to see the strange and amazing machines that the kids had in their homes.

Things like laptops, computer games, televisions, stereos, all these mind-blowing things were lost to him. If he had to guess Jack would say this was, the first time he had ever even seen a phone before or at the very least a hand held phone.

"So what are you suppose to do with it?"

Snapping out of his train of thought, he looked up and saw Bunny's confused and nervous expression as he gently gave the phone an experimental shake. Jack laughed. What was he expecting to happen? A leprechaun to jump out and yell surprise?

"You're suppose to put it to you ear and talk"

Bunny made a face that Cleary showed he thought he was mad but curiosity eventually prompted him to at least give it a go. Around them Tooth, North and Sandy all scooted closer and watched with growing expectations as the nervous rabbit slowly put the device next to his large ear. Bunny felt stupid as he waited for something to happen. All eyes were on him and waiting for anything to happen that would make them understand how this piece of plastic worked.

Jack had to smile at bunny's complete and utter lack of common sense. He opened his mouth to tell him that he needed to call someone first before he could speak into the phone but before he even had the time to form any words the most wonderful, amazing thing happened.

Suddenly and without warning the phone's screen, which up until now had been blank, lit up brightly and the voice of a young singer screamed loudly through the speaker.

Bunny screamed in surprise as he ripped the phone away from his sensitive ear and catapulted out of his seat in a desperate attempt to get away from the horrible noise. The phone in his paw dropped with such force Jack was afraid it was break but luckily, for him he had fallen backwards when Bunny had jumped away and miraculously caught it on his chest with a thump. Quickly he checked the phone for any sort of damage and breathed a sigh of relief. The phone didn't even have a scratch on it, thank the moon

Jack was so absorbed in his phone he didn't notice Bunny was no longer on the sofa until he hear something heavy hit the floor behind him. He looked around him but bunny was no longer in sight. Leaning up and peeking over the back of the sofa, Jack covered his mouth to try to hide his laughter. Below him, two angry, fearful green eyes were staring back at him. What made it even funnier was that every hair on Bunny's body was standing on end kind of like an angry cats and his shocked breathing was making his chest raise and fall rapidly. He looked terrified.

Tooth Buzzed over Jacks shoulder and her heart melted at the sight of the spooked rabbit. "Oh Bunny are you okay?" she cooed

Bunny shook his head and scooted away on his rear, trying to put as much distance between himself and the phone, which was still making horrible sounds. In an instant Tooth fluttered over Jacks head to reach Bunny before he could make a tunnel and leave. Tenderly she trapped the nervous Bunny in a hug and stroked his ears to calm him. "Silly Bunny" she giggled.

Bunny was too shocked to swat her away, his ear was still ringing from the harsh noise and all his nervous were on fire. Spotting Jack grinning stupidly at him Bunny managed to calm himself long enough to send hateful glares towards the winter child and his wretched little phone.

Seriously, why would humans do that!

Actually, more to the point why would Jack do that to him? What could he possibly have done to deserve such a cruel and downright frightening prank such as that? Sure Jack and Bunny pranked each other on a daily bases but there was a line to what they could and could not do. Nearly deafening him and giving him heat failure crossed that line. No actually, it more then crossed the line, it leaped over it. Jack was so far over the line he could not even see it anymore.

Still giggling Tooth carefully pulled Bunny to his feet and hugged him again, as a mother would a child after a bad dream. If it hadn't been for Bunny's thick pelt, his face would have been the colour of a tomato. Across the room Sandy was consumed with silent laughter, the golden sand above his head swirled and twisted merrily, forming images that were too quick to interpret.

North on the other hand wasn't being as quite as the golden dream giver and openly laughed at the rabbit's misfortunate. "Rabbits are such nervous creatures. Scared of every little noise" North chuckled heartily enjoying the look of utter embarrassment and annoyance on Bunny's face.

While the others openly mocked and pitied Bunny, Jack turned back around and scooped up the phone with was still ringing. Looking at the brightly lit screen Jack smiled excitedly and pressed a button. Instantly the loud singing stopped and was quickly replaced by a hushed voice. Jack put the device to his ear just as bunny had done moments ago.

"Jamie you have no idea how good your timing is." He beamed. Across the room, Bunny pulled a face at him, which he happily returned with a snicker. "Yeah, no it's working great. Yeah I know." Jack listened and nodded his head as he patiently listened to his young friend talk on the other end, telling him about his day and asking him questions. After a few moments of silence, Jack spoke up.

"The others?" he looked back at the rest of his family with a genuine smile of affection. North was now standing next to Bunny, patting him reassuringly on the head while the Guardian of hope tried in vain to push him away. This only made North chuckle and pull the smaller Guardian into an inescapable hug as he continued to lightly tease and torment him for being such a scardy cat.

It was heart-warming to see them like this. All happy and relaxed around each other, just like a real family should be. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sandy fly over to the group so he could join in the little game too. Laughing quietly the small man hovered next to Bunny and gave him a loving pat on the head as if he were a small child. Tooth was quick to follow his example and soon Bunny found himself being petted from all sides, unable (or unwilling?) to escape to barrage of attention.

"Yeah, the others are doing just fine." he smiled while he talked. "I think their first proper tasty of modern technology went pretty well. A few little upsets but nothing they can't handle." he paused listening to the young voice of Jamie laughing and talking on the other end. Jack's ever-present smile got even wider as he listened to his first believer.

"Oh I'm far from finished. Just you wait, by the end of the year I'll have them all educated in the wonders of the modern world whether they like it or not. Yeah, oh don't worry I will. Okay I'll text you later then Jamie. Yeah, okay talk to ya later" With a press of a button the screen went dark and the voice of Jamie disappeared. Jack stuffed the phone into his jacket pocket and threw his arms over the back of the sofa as he watched the others play and laugh.

Bunny was still trapped within North's strong arms but instead of scowling and muttering like he normally did when North treated him like a cute little bunny, the rabbit was laughing along with the rest of them, and jokingly threatening a slow painful demises once he escaped.

Seeing them ganging up on bunny gave him an idea. Quickly Jack took his phone back out of his pocket, pressed a few buttons and pointed it towards the group. "Hey guys, smile"

Everyone stopped moving, frozen in whatever position they were in, Bunny still trapped in North's arms and Tooth leaning on Sandy to stop herself falling to the floor from laughing too much.

Four sets of eye locked onto their youngest member.

Quickly Jack hit a button on the phone and the machine made a menacing clicking noise. He waited a few seconds for the picture to appear on the screen, and nearly fell of the sofa in a fit of laughter at the sight. If a picture was worth a thousand words then Jack could write a novel with this one. He had never seen anything more hilarious in his whole life then this snap shot of his bewildered looking friends all tangled up together.

Still Laughing and clutching his side he turned the small phone around so the screen was facing the small group. Four loud gasps and angry cursing made him laugh even more.

"Frostbite I have no idea how you just did that but you have three seconds to destroy that picture." Bunny pulled himself out of North's arms and made a desperate grab for the phone. Unfortunately, Jack was quicker and flew up out of rabbit's reach, with the phone clutched protectively against his chest.

"Oh I can't wait for everyone to see this picture. I'm going to show it to all the other holiday spirits" the winter child smirked, waving the phone tautening above Bunny's head.

"Don't you dare!" Bunny shouted and made a leap for the boy. Jack skilfully ducked out of bunny's long range but North quickly took up the space to his side in an attempt to corner him. Again, Jack slipped passed his would-be captors with his phone held out in front of him like a protective shield.

"One more step and this picture hit's the internet!" he threatened, brandishing the phone menacingly at the Guardians slowly surrounding him. North hesitated for a moment. He was smart enough to know what the internet was and what it could do in the wrong hands. A picture like that could easily cause years of embarrassment and endless jokes from all other sprites that were more up to date them they were. Surely, Jack wouldn't have the nervous to go through with something so cruel.

"He's bluffing North. Grab him!" Bunny may not have the slightest idea what the internet was but he knew a bluff when he saw one. And Jack was almost certainty bluffing.

The young sprite only had a second to dodge the Russian as he jumped at him with outstretched arms. The guardian of wonder missed the winter child by mere inches.

While North was keeping him busy Bunny took his chance and leaped at the youngster but Jack was proving to be a sneaky little bugger and glided out of the way at the very last second. Bunny yelped and flailed his arms but it was hopeless. The rabbit's strong legs propelled him high through the air, missing the winter sprite entirely and sent him slamming face first into North's brick wall of a chest.

The Guardian of wonder was thrown backwards by the forced of the impact but somehow kept his balance, and even managed to snag the rabbit's scruff before his could face plant the floor.

Jack rolled over in the air holding onto his sides laughing like he's never laughed before. Quickly the phone came out again and he snapped another embarrassing picture of the pair. Bunny's sharp ears picked up the familiar sound of clicking and turned to the boy wide eyed

"North he did it again!" Bunny yelled and scampered to get his feet back under him. North helped the Guardian regain his balance and released the back of his neck. The Jolly Russian patted his old friend on the back then turned to glared playfully at the boy hovering overhead.

"Now Jack why don't you come down and we discuss this like mature adults hm?"

Jack leaned back in the air and brought his hand up to his chin in a thinking pose. "Hmm, how about I stay up here and watch you lot make fools of yourselves while you try to catch me. Doesn't that sound like a much better plan? I can take more pictures while you fall over each other." he smiled sweetly at his elder and earned himself a bellowing laugh from the large Guardian.

"Haha! Said in true Jack Frost style. So be it my boy, don't say we did not warn you." still laughing North clapped his hands, a sign that it was now officially war.

"First one to catch Jack gets lifetime supply of cookie dough!"

Now if that wasn't motivation enough then nothing was. Jack flitted to the side as North made another leap at him and smiled.

"If I hand myself in do I get the cookie dough?" He asked, dodging another flying leap from Bunny.

"If ya hand yourself in I'll give ya a kick up the rear you little imp" Bunny threaten playfully and jumped once again for the sprite. This time managing to get a paw around his ankle but a quick jab from his staff soon dislodge the rabbit and sent him tumbling harmlessly to the sofa he had been lucky enough to be hovering over.

"You guys are going to have to do better then that" Jack laughed with confidence and flew a low sweeping circle around bunny, teasing him.

"I've seen snails faster then you two."

"Ah but Jack you seem have forgotten something very important here" North said with a smug satisfying smile which made jack instantly rise into the air with suspicion. North did not try to make another leap for him. Instead, he stood his ground, arms folded across his chest. By the way he was smiling, you would think he had already won the game.

Jack didn't like that look one bit.

"And what would that be?" He asked warily, alert for any tricks or traps the man might be trying to pull.

North smiled and in a voice overflowing with confidents said. "The Guardians hunt in packs"

Instantly something small tackled him from behind trapping his legs together while another tackled his torso and successfully trapped his arms by his side immobilizing him. In his ear he heard a sweet high-pitched voice squeal in delight.

"Surprise! Did you really if you could escape from us Jack?" The fairy ruffled his head hard, messing up his perfectly snowy white locks. Around his ankles, he could feel fine grains of golden sandy brushing against his trouser and feel the vibrations from Sandy as he laughed triumphantly.

How could he have forgotten the only two Guardians other then himself that possessed the power of flight?! It was a mistake he would not make again.

"So does this mean me and Sandy get the cookie dough?" Tooth asked from behind despite her dislike of the sugary treat that was up for grabs. Jack briefly wondered what she would do with it if she did win. Properly throw it away for burn it.

He couldn't let that happen. That would be a crime against nature itself!

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet Tooth!"

"Huh? Hey!"

Suddenly the two smaller Guardians no longer trapped Jack. He was flying freely in front of them, laughing and mocking them as the blinked in confusion. The sneaky little bugger had slipped right through their arms with the aid of some ice which was now covering most of his body, along with most of Sandy's and Tooth's.

Despite his better judgement, Bunny found himself admiring the neat little trick as he pushed himself off the sofa and got back into the game. "Go get im Toothy!" he cheered, jumping around to find the best place to make another attempted leap.

Jack spun around to defend himself from any sneak attacks and came face to face with the grinning pixie and dream giver. They were both laughing and smiling, each taking an offensive stance in the air as they stared down the young Guardian. Jack backed a little, coaxing them to follow. The smile never left his face and his eyes lit up with child like glee when both Sandy and tooth took the bait and darted towards him with surprising speed.

"Charge!" Tooth yelled as she flew at him.

Jack flipped himself around and flew as fast as he could away from his pursuers. North and Bunny were fast behind them, proving ground support for the flyers, leaping over anything that got in there way and making futile grabs for the Guardian of fun.

All the while Jack was taking sneaky pictures on his phone whenever he got the chance. They showed every ounce of fun they were having, capturing them forever in a timeless capsule of pure fun.

This was why he loved technology so much. So moments like this would never be forgotten. So that no matter where life took him he would always be able to see how much fun they all had together in each other's company.

The only problem now was keeping hold of his new toy.

Small hands brushed against his shoulder, nearly snagging him. He laughed loudly and flew faster. The giggling and laughing never more then a few feet behind him.

Yeah, their first taste of modern technology had gone very well indeed.
This is the first in my collection of one-shots.

Basically it's all just a bunch of sillyness tided together with fluff revolving around Jack trying to introduce his new family to the wonders of the modern world.

Stupid idea but what the hell, if anything it's at least helping me practice my writing :D
© 2013 - 2024 ladyofthewilds
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